Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monoply Anyone??

Ever play Monopoly? I bet most of you have at least once. I think the game has declined in popularity because to really play the game right takes a long time. We don't have 'long times' much these days. Everyone is busy running around doing things that take 'short times'. Sitting around with family over game boards or a deck of cards or even over a simple meal just doesn't seem to happen as much as it used to.

Anyway, if this column creates the desire in you to play Monopoly this week, let me give you my strategy for success. Buy as much property as you can as fast as you can. Pay others more than they paid to get their property away from them. Worry about houses and hotels later, buy, buy, buy property. Mortgage the property you have in order to get more, buy, buy, buy!

My strategy for Monopoly success came to mind as I read Colossians 4:5 which says, "When you are with unbelievers, always make good use of the time". And that last part of the verse in the Greek language is idiomatic- it has a meaning different from what the Greek words really tell us. Maybe a better translation would read, buy up the opportunities like Monopoly property!

And so Paul reminds us here that when it comes to those who are outside the faith, we are to 'buy time' from our worldly pursuits in return for a more eternal activity- telling others about Jesus. A selfless act we are not naturally inclined to pursue wouldn't you agree? Let's be honest, we are much better at redeeming spiritual time for worldly time, trading worship for sleep, redeeming Bible study evenings for time in front of the TV, selling church work for worldly play. The list goes on and on, we all know what I'm talking about from experience.

In this verse, God is calling us to a higher calling, to buy, buy, buy time, for His purpose of calling others to Him. This year, this summer we are going to have our biggest and best VBS ever. Sherri and I have agreed to lead this effort and we are going to call on each one of you reading this to redeem your time in our VBS effort to reach the lost in our Keystone community. We're going to ask you to be a part of our Monopoly strategy- to ask you to buy the time to spend with us in this effort.

The call for you to redeem your time for outreach was delivered to you from 2000 years in the past, Sherri and I are just the current day messengers. VBS is a great opportunity for us as a church to buy Boardwalk, the best piece of property in Monopoly- it is our opportunity to be used by the Holy Spirit to change lives and eternal destinations. It is our chance to slam down a heavenly hotel and make a difference in our world. What could be of greater value than this?

Jesus tells us Himself, in some of His last words on earth to 'GO, and make disciples'. When we pass GO in our Monopoly strategy to make disciples this August we'll collect far more than $200, we'll collect and store up treasures in heaven of far greater value. Monopoly now has hundreds of different game versions, Nebraska-opoly, Simpsons-opoly, and Grinch-opoly. I look forward to our Atonement VBS Roman-opoly and a church filled with children who learn about Jesus. And I look forward to spending a week of our redeemed time together, playing so as to win the prize.

Blest Regards,

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