Monday, November 23, 2009

Braveheart Chemo

Well it's week two of round 2 of chemo. And that means right now I'm feeling good enough to want to do something but not good enough TO do something. The fog hasn't completely lifted, my energy is taking a rest break and my stomach is still issuing complaints (wait in line) and refusing ro accept much except soup. Living in a bit of a never-never land I guess. I've never been off work this long- now a week, except on vacation, and I don't like not working already.

Anyway, as I take time to heal up, I've been reading 'Three Cups of Tea' by Greg Mortensen David Oliver Revlin. It's about how Mr. Mortenson who failed at climbing K2, the second tallest mountain in the world was rescued on his descent and healed up in a small Pakistani village. Here he falls in love with the native people who cared for him and he promises to come back and build a school for them which he does.

The book goes on to chronicle the difficult task of building schools (he goes on to build many more) that don't teach hate in an area known for both a harsh environment and religion- Islam. And the book makes me realize how intricate all the details are that go into what is happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan at this very moment. How tribes and different faiths and the stunning land form their unique soup of life. And in this wild mix of circumstances, America is trying to respond to help the most people we can. Who can understand it all?

Which I guess is a little like what is happening inside me right now. Like how my cancer cells are now in a battle against all these toxic drugs I keep pouring down my port. I imagine as soon as my chemo goes in it passes by all my good cells and heads for my neck, swords raised and ready to do bloody battle. Meanwhile cancer cells rally together to defend themselves- that's really about how well I understand what's actually happening. Sort of a 'Braveheart' theory of a cancer battle I guess. Again, who can truly understand the intracacies of what is really happening inside of me?

When you stop to think about it, we have been given such an amazing and marvelous world haven't we? Creation is at once both complex and simple. We enjoy the beauty of a simple sunset through the vision of our intricately designed eyes. Romans 1 tells us God is clearly visible to all in His creation and I would have added deserving of a round of applause.

These rambling thoughts were coming to mind as I realized that no matter how much I try I will never understand all that is going on right now in yet another major battle- the battle for my heart and mind and soul. The Bible talks about this, about us having a Savior, an advocate, clouds of witnesses, angels cheering - a win is a big deal in heaven! Why? Because forces of darkness and Satan prowl and plan and work to our demise. And like my Braveheart chemo drugs theory we at best only seem to have or want really a vague understanding of what is really happening behind the curtain of eternity. Thankfully we have our God-given faith to cling to in this battle!

Let me encourage you today to explore all the beauty and details of God's creation. Take time to explore God's Word, and the faith He has given you. It's amazing. Let's have more than a simple Jesus as Braveheart theory of salvation. Let's find even more beauty in in learning about Him.

Blest Regards,

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