It finally happened, I got to see Noah! Noah the musical play that is. In Branson this past week it seemed like we were so busy that it wouldn't happen. Day after day went by and Noah wouldn't fit into our busy schedule. Then on the last day an afternoon opening turned into a wonderful experience- seeing Noah!
Maybe some of you have seen this play. If so you know how hard it will be for me to explain the sheer size of the stage and sets. The ark itself is a prop that weighs over 18,000 pounds. Animals of all sorts run into ark. The 2000 seat auditorium then becomes surrounded by the animals and cages as the audience sits inside the ark. Amazing really and way to hard to describe.
As the story unfolds, you realize just how much faith it must have taken to build an ark. Ever work for over 100 years on a project for God that brings you continual ridicule? Building an ark in the dessert did just that for Noah. Today 100 seconds of ridicule might be too much for us.
At the end of the play, the ark transforms into a very large cross and Jesus emerges to remind us of His words recorded in Matthew 24, "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be."
Lots of folks had an opportunity to get on the ark- some thought they might consider it in the future, some just declined the offer. Its a lot like today. Jesus is indeed our ark and we are headed for a final rainy day. Where will you be? On the ark (a risen King) or on the outside looking in?
I'm reading "Mere Christian", a book about the imact C.S. Lewis' writings had on people's lives. And one quote from Lewis' "The Personal Heresy" struck me as I thought about Noah- Lewis wrote, "I must look where the writer looks and not turn round to face him. I must make of him not a spectacle but a pair of spectacles." I realized that God is calling us to view our current world through Noah colored glasses.
Have you ever watched a 3-D movie without 3-D glasses? You can still see what's going on but everything is out of focus. When you put on the glasses not only does everything come into focus, but things surround you and pop out at you. What Lewis noted about books in general applies especially well to God's Word (and the story of Noah)- when you view the world through 3-D Bible glasses things come into focus!
What came into focus for me from Noah was that in his day life was godless and evil held sway all around him even as everyday life went on. My Noah 3-D glasses help me see we are living in the same kind of world today. The end is indeed near and the time is now to get on the ark. I was so busy I almost missed Noah- let's not be so busy we miss his message. Grab your glasses and let's go!
Blest Regards,
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