Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Today, Tuesday January 26th is St. Titus Day. Did you know that? I didn't either until I read it in my Portals of Prayer. Then I wondered about St. Titus. Can't say I know anything really about St. Titus- other than there is a book in the Bible by this name. That is the extent of my Titus knowledge- so let's extend our Titus insights together shall we?

First some unrelated Titus names: My family went to Titusville in Florida to watch the space shuttle take off ten years ago or more. It was named after confederate Colonel Theodore Titus who got to name the town when he won a dominoes match in 1873. Shakespeare wrote a play 'Titus Andronicus' laced with revenge and dark themes which many conclude is his worst play. Then there was a Roman Emperor named Titus who came to power in 79 AD after leading the destruction of Jerusalem. Today Titus is around the 400th most popular name for babies.

Back to Saint Titus, he was a Gentile (non-Jewish) companion of Paul and is mentioned a number of times in the New Testament. Some think he may have been a brother of Luke. At one point Paul sends him off to Corinth to collect an offering for the poor in Jerusalem. Later we find Titus in Crete where Paul writes to him with some inspired ideas about Elders in the church, sound doctrine, good works and avoiding conflict. The last mention of Titus has him with Paul again during Paul's second imprisonment in Rome.

The Bible doesn't record his death but tradition has him dying in Crete in the year 107 AD at 95 tears of age. So we don't know a lot about Titus but we do know this, he was a faithful servant of God, doing what was asked of him. He was a faithful friend who Paul requested to join him over and over. How cool would that be, to be the guy Paul wants to have close by?

So what can we learn from Titus? Maybe we could learn from his name which means 'honor' or 'defender'. Maybe we could learn to be defenders of the faith who do so with honor. Being a defender of your faith might mean a little extra time going forward in the Bible or with your catechism. And I like the 'honor' title as well, it fits Titus. To me that means he did his work with integrity and pride. We can work for the Lord with that same integrity and pride.

The church needs faithful, active friends like Titus. We need men and women who will do what is asked of them. People who we can count on as friends in the faith. 2Cor 7:6 says 'Nevertheless God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus.' Sounds like Titus was a great guy to have around, a positive upbeat guy who lifted everyone's spirits. Paul adds a little proof to this by concluding his letter to Titus saying 'everyone with me sends you greetings'. Titus was the guy everyone loved and wanted to count as a friend. We can be a Titus in our own church.

I know I'm not the only one who never thought much about Titus. I guess mostly because he's not a big name like Paul or Peter. Yet for this very reason, Titus may be for us the best example of one who works diligently for God, doing what is asked of him with a faithful heart and a positive spirit, not concerned about credit or recognition. Faithful people like Titus are what makes God's church powerful and effective. May God grant each of us a Titus heart this week!

Blest Regards,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Surgery Update

Well its been two days since my neck surgery. Turns out it was a 'radical' removal of nerve, nodes and muscle. So some physical therapy is in the cards to get my shoulder working again correctly. Previous radiation caused damage that made it difficult to tell where the impacted areas needed removal so Dr. Dobleman errored on the side of safety taking out more than he anticpated. The good news is I had very minimal blood loss and everything went very well. I have minimal pain and am up and about looking to go home early- as in today!

So I've added a big new scar to go with my bald melon for a new and improved look! Looking forward to radiation in 4 or 5 weeks on my arm pit to kill any rogue cells. Then this adventure will be over!

Thanks for all your prayers and support. Sherri and I greatly appreciate them and all the food and cards and and and- just know we greatly appreciate them all and your love!

Blest Regards,

Monday, January 18, 2010

Drip, Drip, Drip

I heard it again. Another 'plop'. Water continues to drip into my family room from the ceiling into a bucket- actually buckets. Our snowy roof is leaking and has created a mess of plaster and drywall.

Its our fault really, we knew our roof was bad, even had the insurance company come out and look at it. They agreed and sent us a check to get it fixed but they made it out to us and our former mortgage company. So we called and told them to send us a new check with our current mortgage company included. We never saw the new check. Then this past month they called and asked why we didn't cash the first check. They had no record of our subsequent call.

So it's partly our fault for not following up and working to get our money and the result now is this incessant dripping sound I hear. It's a reminder that nothing lasts forever, that things break down and fall apart. Same for us as people. My successful surgery a couple days ago is proof that we fall apart as well, and a reminder that we don't last forever either.

Yet like my roof in the near future, we one day will be fixed up as well. But unlike my roof the Carpenter who fixes us does so for an eternity. Now that's a gift worth holding on to. As I sit here writing with a new scar and big ol bandage on my neck I appreciate this gift even more being taught that life is short and we have work to do before our free gift is given to us.

I was thinking about this prior to the big earthquake in Haiti. The Luthran Haiti mission sent out their monthly newsletter and said they needed $18,000 to finish their next orphanage and I wondered if Atonement couldn't contribute to this need- maybe even take on the entire project.

And maybe that sounds absurd but really, what can a group of dedicated Christians accomplish with prayer and focus- even a small group not flush with cash? I remembered what God did with Gideon's army whittling down thousands of men to just a couple hundred to accomplish His purpose. Could the little Atonement army accomplish His purpose of helping the those in need?

James 1:27 says true religion means we are to care for the orphans and widows. We have a clear call to care for those who can't help themselves. A message straight to us short-timers with an eternal promise in our hearts. Let's think about it together and take some action. As I can attest, even drips of action can add up to buckets full of results.

Blest Regards,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This morning I witnessed an auto accident. Well really the tail end of one as an SUV dove into a huge snowbank just north of Maple street on 72nd Street. As I drove by on the opposite side of the street I could see one of the multiple cars involved with a person inside hurt. I turned around to see if I could help.

I parked on a side street,crossed 72nd and began to wonder to myself just what I planned to do. I mean, I'm no medical expert- unless someone needed some advice on how to handle chemo treatmnents which clearly, no one here was going to ask. I was the first person to stop- some folks involved in the accident were out of their cars and calling 911 already.

I approached the SUV which may have started the accident. It sat with its crumpled front end in the street. Again I wondered what I would do if any one needed help. I was concerned for the driver as I approached, a younger black lady who was still in the driver seat, not moving, eyes closed. EEESH. I asked her if she was ok and she was responsive opening her eyes and nodding 'yes'.

At that point I felt it best to leave well enough alone. Soon the ambulance would be coming. She would be best served by not moving and staying where she was. I told her help was coming and that she would be alright. That was the extent of my 'help'. Everyone else, including a bus with kids seemed to be okay.

Walking across the street wondering just what I was going to do kinda reminds me of how unprepared many of us might be to help others we come across who need spiritual help. I mean sometimes we drive drive right by others who need help hoping that someone else will stop to help. We let fear drive us so to speak.

Yet at other times like when friends and family experience loss we are on the scene and have an opportunity speak words of faith we wonder as I did, just what should we do. The Good News is if we will only try, the Holy Spirit will help us by giving us the right words- but we need to take that first step of faith.

Life presents plenty of pile-ups beside auto accidents. And today so many people try to get through life without faith in God. Our opportunity to help change eternal outcomes comes when they experience one of these 'accidents of life', hard times, loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, family problems and on and on goes the list. I pray you come to CPR (Christ's Perfect Rscue) training this Sunday so you are prepared for helping others involved in lifes crashes, and then like the Good Samaritan stop to help others in need.

Blest Regards,

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good News Update

We interrupt the usual blog content for this health update. My latest scan shows all my cancer spots have been eliminated. Dr Soori again worked his chemo concoction to complete success in concert with your prayers. Thanks to all for your love and prayers!

Next up is surgery to remove impacted areas to make sure no rouge cells are still lurking followed by radiation on my upper armpit for the same reason. So still some work to do but all with good news as a background.

I do have to have some testing on my bowel area for a spot that showed up but Dr Soori does not believe this is cancerous- but still something he wants to follow up on. So keep me in your prayers for this- I expect you to have the same effective results!

Blest Regards from you cancer free friend!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yesterday I watched the movie 'Once'. It was recommended on a blog I read and I knew it was in our libraryt of DVDs, one of those I had bought but never watched for whatever reason. The movie is set in Ireland and is about an aging street musician who wants to get get discovered. The movie was so-so as far as I was concerned and I considered fast forwarding a few times.

After the movie was over I watched one of the special features where the directors comment on the film as it plays. And what interested me was the source of the title-'Once'. The title is a reference to how people everywhere and this musician in particular often say they will do something important or meaningful or even lifechanging ONCE this or that happens or ONCE I do this other thing. Interesting thought that maybe each of us can relate to in some way.

As I thought about this I realized that sometimes ONCEs aren't our decision. Like I have some thoughts about things I'd like to do ONCE I get past my latest cancer adventure, God-willing. Maybe you've had some ONCE experiences as well that really weren't your choice- loss of loved ones, sickness, divorce, family concerns. The question becomes what happens ONCE you get through these life events.

Which brings me to today, maybe the biggest ONCE of all- Epiphany. Most folks might not even know that today, January 6th is Epiphany. And fewer still realize the importance of this great celebration. In the early church it was second in importance only to Easter! Can you believe that? More important than Christmas? Yet I can understand that, that the revelation of Jesus to the Gentiles is such a gift, that His miracle at Cana shows HE IS GOD, a God who loves each of us.

And what happens ONCE you realize the importance of Epiphany? As we heard from Isaiah, we are to Arise and Shine for our light has come! In other words get up and get active in your faith! So many missed the Ephiphany events as they happened at the stable and the wedding. So many miss them even today. Yet those who celebrate these events have a light in their life that is a big ONCE. A ONCE that changes them and causes them to rise and shine!

Epiphany celebrates that God came to earth for each of us, a bright light in a dark world. God is here for us if we will only not toss aside all His rich gifts of grace and faith and hope. And I don't want to be theological here, throwing out these gifts as some abstract thoughts- they are for me real and important and life-changing. And ONCE we take them as something more than abstract concepts they drive us to new attitudes and actions. These are the 'ONCE' changes the movie reminded me of.

In the end the musician took action to get discovered- he recorded some demos and went to London but the outcome is left for the viewer to wonder about. Our resulting Epiphany 'ONCE' attitudes and actions wait to be determined as well. What will you do ONCE you realize the importance of Epiphany?

Blest Regards,